Sunday, February 7, 2010


How often have you read or listened to someone claim that our lives would be enriched if we just appreciated each day in the moment?  The best seller “The Power of Now” written by Eckhart Tolle suggests that we can transform our consciousness through living in the now (seems almost too trite to write a book on, never mind be so widely read as to become a best seller).  But have you every noticed how difficult it is to truly embrace the moment without dreaming of the future, or being hung up in the past?  Have you ever wondered how much of life slips by without our noticing because we are trapped by the past or a moment yet to come?

The Washington Post essentially did and concluded much the same – we are so consumed with the hustle of being in the race that we don’t stop and notice significant moments when they appear right in front of us.  In January 2007, they hired a violinist to play in the Washington DC Metro Station by a main entrance of the L’Enfant Plaza.

He played six Bach pieces for 43 minutes.  During that time over two thousand people went by him on their way to work.  Only twenty people thought highly enough of this person's ability to give him money.  After seven minutes he collected his first dollar.   After nearly an hour the violinist collected a grand total of $32, and only six people stopped to listen for any length of time.

Maybe you know the rest of the story … the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world.  Actually a onetime child prodigy who now at age 42 is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso.  One magazine once described his playing as “doing nothing less than telling human beings why they bother to live.”  On this particular cold January morning, he played one of the most intricate collection of pieces composed on a violin worth nearly $3.5 million dollars.  Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a concert in Boston whereby the seats averaged over $100.

This social experiment begs many questions:
  1. Are we so focused on the doing that we forget to even notice the magnificence of the present moment?
  2. How can we recognize an opportunity that presents itself in our lives if we can’t even see that which is right in front of us?
  3. Opportunity often involves connecting multiple ‘data points’ that occur and seeing a uniqueness to the pattern; if that is true how can we find opportunity when we are too busy to notice even a sliver of the moment?
  4. Do you perceive the beauty that is all around you all the time?
The Post quoted a line from W.H. Davies “Leisure” that seems appropriate as we begin a new week:

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”

Or, reach back into your DVD collection and reacquaint yourself with the 1982 film titled “Koyaanisqatsi” whereby the director Godfrey Reggio takes clips of Americans going about their daily chores to such a speed that they resemble robots marching lockstep to nowhere.  By the way, the word “Koyaanisqatsi” is a Hopi word meaning a “life out of balance.”  Is your life so out of balance that you would not notice a virtuoso performance of some of the greatest music written as you walked by on your way to work?  We all would hope to reply in the negative, but this social experiment suggests our answer would be consistent to what actually happened. 

An interesting fact did occur though, the people who actually stopped to appreciate the music of Joshua Bell that day in D.C. were young children held in tow by their parents.  I wonder if they know something that adults seem to lose in the translation of doing … an appreciation of the magnificence of this moment!

Click to hear a full audio version of Joshua Bell’s performance that day!  Ah, will you stop even in the privacy of drinking your cup of coffee as you start the week off behind your desk to enjoy the moment?  Don’t worry no one is watching …

I hope you enjoyed the reflection, and take time to appreciate the grandeur held in your moment.  Most importantly, I hope you make it a GREAT day and week!!  If you wish to read all the other Mojos written for you, then visit:  As always, I welcome your feedback and if I can be of service to you or your friends, please let me know or visit us at  And, thank you for your continued support and inspiration … each of you are a cherished gift that enriches my life in ways you will never understand … Thank you!!  Jim Peys

Monday, February 1, 2010


Have you ever paused in your day, and wondered why it is we spend so much time protecting the ‘self’ when most, if not all, of our success or joyful moments are due to one concept … leverage?  That in fact the accomplishment of bold dreams depends upon how effectively we leverage inspired teams of people.  Some pundits profess that all success comes through people.  I contend that all success comes through leveraging people and resources (I am not using the term ‘leverage’ as ‘manipulation’ or ‘using’ people).  When we act alone we have the benefit of only ourselves - our limited field of vision, intelligence and experience to guide us.  However by inspiring others to join us, we leverage their gifts and talents to ‘increase the power of action’ exponentially.

Simple concept … yes, but why do we spend so much energy in promoting the value of ‘self’ instead of inspiring others around a common goal or mission?  Ample examples exist … watch championship teams compete against teams less successful (especially basketball).  What becomes painfully obvious is that people who have not truly bought into this simple concept of ‘team’ approach the game like five people playing one-on-five.  Conversely, watch the great Boston Celtic, Laker or Spur teams and you begin to notice players moving in choreographed unison.  In business, great corporations oftentimes ‘team sell’ not out of need or deficiency, but from a place of strength and contribution.  Even small business ventures, i.e., realtors, tend to improve their production when they develop highly functioning teams who are truly committed to a common theme or goal.

Recently a friend shared a book with me written by Pat Williams (cofounder of the Orlando Magic) entitled “Extreme Dreams Depend on Teams.”  The foreword is written by Patrick Lencioni, whereby he states:

 “In a world that emphasizes the individual, where graduation speeches and Hallmark cards urge us to go out into the world and accomplish anything we set our minds to, something often gets lost: our very human need to enlist the help of others and to give help in the same measure.
As human beings, we were made for teamwork.
This is not to say that individuals should not dream big dreams.  There is probably no replacement for individual aspiration and determination when it comes to the initiation of an idea, a plan, an ‘extreme dream.’  But when it’s time for that dream to take shape and that idea to grow and become a tangible reality, there is no substitute for the power of teamwork.  The dream of the individual needs a group of selfless people to come together behind that dream, pool their diverse talents, unify as a team, and make great things happen.”

What stands the test of time, beyond all the accolades, are not the efforts of the individual, but the accomplishment of the team.  People working together accomplish far more than the sum of their individual efforts and abilities.  Why?  Because they are committed to something bigger than themselves … that is truly the beauty of the vision and our journey!

Nothing novel here, right ... so why don't more organizations remember this simple lesson ... why do organizations and individuals continue to think ‘individualist’ (the infamous “I” syndrome) in their quest of greater profits or business development.  Why do managers look for an individual to point the finger at when an issue comes up or set backs occur?  Is that the fault of an individual, the team or the system?  When something needs to be accomplished do we look from the perspective of "I" or do we engage the "We"?  Do we spend most of our time pushing the bolder up hill by ourselves, or do we spend the time assembling and inspiring a team to hoist the bolder into place using pulleys and levers? 

Another perspective on this theme is when individuals or organizations go to their service providers to pay for events or other initiatives … not because they wish to form strategic partnerships, but simply because they don’t want to incur the cost or the hassle.  They often come from a place of entitlement or ‘what are you going to do for me’ perspective.  This is hardly ever about team, but instead comes from the place of 'what have you done for me lately?'  These individuals and organizations spend far too little energy in developing an inspired and motivated team committed to a common vision or mission.  A more powerful question to ask is ‘how can WE partner up to create an opportunity that benefits all of us?’

Several months ago Keller Williams Coastal Properties embarked on a rather comprehensive 'game changing' vision.  An integral part of this bold vision was the development and nurturing of selected ‘strategic partnerships.’  When we initiated these partnership conversations, the service providers were surprised that we were not looking to ‘fund an event or other short term tools', but something much broader in scope.  As the discussion unfolds we continue to work out how this broader definition of ‘strategic partnership’ looks, and how to leverage the strengths of our individual parts for the accomplishment of a common business vision.  The affect of this approach to partnerships has brought a greater depth to the initial vision that will yield far greater opportunities for all people involved.  We are morphing the Company into a multi-faceted service organization that offers clients a wide range of services from real estate, financing, insurance, investments, construction, media and financial services.  Ah, the true value of team and leverage!  Leveraging a real estate brokerage company into a multiple million-dollar operation involving several businesses will only occur as we continue to develop our strategic team.   One or two people will not be able to create this vision – it will take the inspired action of dozens of people both in and out of the Company to create and sustain this initiative.

Have you ever wondered ‘how am I going to work through this issue’ or 'how am I going to realize this opportunity in the market?'  Well instead of thinking that your solution will only come through your initiative or hard work … dare to think differently … think how you can build an inspired collaborative team or partnership.  Ask how you might leverage people and resources to build a better vision that is good for all.  Just a thought ….

I hope you enjoyed the reflection, and take the time to consider how you might develop strategic partnerships to accomplish your vision.  Most importantly, I hope you make it a GREAT day and week!!  If you wish to read all the other Mojos written for you, then visit:  As always, I welcome your feedback and if I can be of service to you or your friends, please let me know or visit us at  And, thank you for your continued support and inspiration … each of you are a cherished gift that enriches my life in ways you will never understand … Thank you!!  Jim Peys

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Have you ever attended an event, meeting or seminar with a preconceived idea on the subject matter; however, the event unfolds considerably different?  Have you ever struggled to remain open and engaged during these moments when you adamantly disagreed with the concepts being presented.  During these moments, have you been able to remain open, or did you go to judgment and close your self from finding any value?

This past week I had such a situation occur.  I was invited to attend a Keller Williams ALC (“Agent Leadership Counsel”) training seminar.  The main theme for the seminar was ‘leadership.’  The seminar coordinators billed the day as something different – well they were right.  Personally a discussion about leadership starts with  ‘servant leadership.’  Instead the day was all about the individual ALC member’s businesses and recruiting.  I could not get over how they missed the mark by entitling the day ‘leadership’, and then focusing on the ‘I’ and not on topics about ‘service’, ‘team’, ‘collaboration’ and several other potential key themes within the concept of leadership.  Maybe the powers that be find these key themes within leadership as passé.   Admittedly in the moment, I went through a myriad of judgments and struggled with the whole presentation.  So I chose to keep my mouth shut; however, that didn’t last long (no surprise for those who know me).  I was pushed to share and could not help letting my disappointment seep through in my comments.  Afterwards I was disappointed in my choice and had to ask myself is that who I want to be?

After a couple days processing that event I began to ask myself … ‘what was the lesson of the day for me?’  Maybe my resistance was significant for reasons that at the time I was not able to accept.  The reminder to stay focused on my business, goals and vision is always positive and timely.  But is that all … ?

What are some of the components of ‘leadership’ that I need to be mindful of as the New Year rolls along?  As I reflected upon my experience with a friend, she mentioned three concepts that are at the heart of the ten characteristics of a servant leader … patience, tolerance, acceptance and humility.  Members of a group are not always at the same place at the same moment … more times than not, leaders are able stay present to a vision while allowing others to get there in their own time.  In order to realize a worthwhile vision leaders often must exemplify patience and tolerance of other people’s thoughts and opinions.  In other moments leaders must truly accept contrary opinions even when they may not be congruent to the stated vision.  Maybe that was the ‘aha moment’ in the seminar that just took me three days to realize.  I failed to embrace during the seminar any of the characteristics outlined by Robert Greenleaf in his 1970 book entitled ‘The Servant as Leader’ … maybe next time.

So as you struggle finding alignment with ideas presented by others maybe you will pause and find the value in the moment.  I hope you enjoyed the reflection, and consider in moments of resistance how you might find the value in the experience.  Most importantly, I hope you make it a GREAT day and week!!  If you wish to read all the other Mojos written for you, then visit:  As always, I welcome your feedback and if I can be of service to you or your friends, please let me know or visit us at  And, thank you for your continued support and inspiration … each of you are a cherished gift that enriches my life in ways you will never understand … Thank you!!  Jim Peys

Monday, January 18, 2010


So the cheer of the New Year is waning and with it many of the resolutions that we set in motion as the ball was dropping.  I see evidence every year around this time at the gym.  Every year gyms begin the year packed, regardless of the hour.  By the end of January people settle down and lose interest in those exercise goals, as well as their other annual resolutions.  Did you ever ask yourself why that is; or better yet, why do I struggle in keeping my new year’s resolutions?  For years I have moved away from making New Year’s resolutions; however, my real challenge is not in the resolution, but to remain diligent in living an intention filled life – staying present to what it is I want (my intentions) and how my thoughts MUST support and nurture these intentions.  For me that is the journey that I must stay present to as one-year rolls into another and time tests my resolve.  And you … ?

I came across an interesting quote … “[e]veryone thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.”  Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Why remind myself now of this … well sometimes we need a reminder and encouragement to focus on what really matters … and that begins with our thoughts and intentions.  Everything that I do and ultimately how I affect my surroundings is initially conceived in my thoughts. 

The verb for turning thoughts into action or results is to ‘manifest’.  It comes from the middle English word ‘manifestus’ meaning “visible” and the Latin word “manus” meaning “hand.”   A few authors have metaphorically described this process as when you ‘manifest’ something “you reach your hand through the invisible curtain separating the tangible world from the world of imagination and pull your desired object into existence.”  First you think it, then you manifest it or you ‘materialize’ it or cause it to appear.  Everyone manifests.  Some of us manifest abundance; while others of us manifest a lack or scarcity.  Who do we wish to be in this moment … that is really the relevant question as we are continually tested throughout the year?  Do you intend in this moment to be a person who resonates from abundance or scarcity?

As we move towards February, what is it that you set your intentions upon in 2010, and how are you supporting these intentions now – in your thoughts?  Some people refer to the alter-ego that oftentimes subterfuges our intentions as the “drunk monkey.”  If you closely observe your thoughts (‘the observer observing the observed’) in light of your intentions you may begin to recognize how or when they are not congruent.  By labeling these negative thoughts as they pop up into your conscious you can begin to detach from the hold they have and begin the process of letting them go.

Professionally, I have defined my business goals for the year; however, how am I supporting these goals in my thoughts and intentions in every moment of every day?  This way I will be less likely to yield to the temptation of doing things that distract me from my intentions/goals – filling my time with ‘stuff’ that doesn’t support my intentions.  Personally, how am I reconciling my relationships and creating a positive loving environment for those around me?  These are my questions that I want to stay present to in the moment.  How about you?  How are you nurturing your 2010 goals in your thoughts and intentions as you move forward in the New Year?

I hope you enjoyed the reflection, and take the time to consider what you are living an intention filled life and supporting your goals and aspirations in your thoughts.  Most importantly, I hope you make it a GREAT day and week!!  If you wish to read all the other Mojos written for you, then visit:  As always, I welcome your feedback and if I can be of service to you or your friends, please let me know or visit us at  And, thank you for your continued support and inspiration … each of you are a cherished gift that enriches my life in ways you will never understand … Thank you!!  Jim Peys