Sunday, June 28, 2009

Getting ahead start on the week. As most of you are aware this blog, and subsequent emails are entitled "Monday Morning MOJOs" and are written as an inspirational story or encouraging word or two (typically more than just a few words - I tend to be verbose - my apologies). My goal is to consistently share an affirming story or inspirational message that encourages us to reflect upon what actions we are choosing that supports our greatest vision of ourselves. Otherwise, maybe the stories shared will be an amusing start to your week, much the same as a good cup of coffee. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the read and feel free to share with me your stories on the themes selected.

Many of us as children had parents, coaches or role models who preached (or pounded it into our heads) that winners "never give up." Personally as a child, I took that message as a crusade for my life. Well recently I read a book written by Malcolm Gladwell called "Outliers: The Story of Success" and Mr. Gladwell states a slightly different perspective. He suggests that highly successful people know when an event, a relationship, a circumstance or other situation does not serve their vision or goals and they quickly let go or give up on that situation. They don't waste time or energy (or at least as little as possible) with situations, relationships or events that don't ultimately serve what it is that they define as their primary purpose in life.

Sounds easy enough, except the other side of that paradigm is that these same successful people are tenacious in the pursuit of their goals, visions, dreams and purpose. In all of our lives there are intersections where other people challenge our vision or dreams by saying that "it can't be done." So as a participant in this journey it comes down to being selective in what it is we want, shedding that which doesn't support our dream/goal/vision, and then becoming tenacious in our pursuit of what does in fact support our dreams/visions/goals. The trick is in efficiently managing that very personal balancing act.

Recently, I was involved in a transaction involving another agent in my office who had been working on a real estate short sale - as the listing agent. She had fought to close this short sale transaction only to find out that the lender (without notice to anyone) actually foreclosed on the property and was changing the locks and evicting the agent's client. All this was being done AFTER the lender approved in writing the short sale. My friend went to several other agents and brokers for help on what, if anything, she could do - and all without exception told her there was nothing she could do, and that the best thing for her was to simply move on. Well that didn't sit well with her because she felt obligated (part of her personal vision statement) to fight to the end for her client. She found her way to me and after listening to the story, I asked how bad did she want this deal? Basically was she willing to fight against all odds to save the deal - well to her credit she said absolutely! So we made several strategic moves quickly and were able to get the foreclosure (actual auction sale) rescinded; then she worked through several other major obstacles (loan, repairs, extensions, inept buyer's agent, etc.) along the way. Finally she was successful in closing the transaction about thirty (30) days later. The point to the story is she never gave up on herself and her client because this event was a part of her vision as an agent and as a person.

We all have many personal stories similar to the one shared above that has touched us on multiple levels. And so, it is that I wish to share a poem with you that my dad hung on my bedroom wall when I was a teenager. He meant it as inspiration for at the time I was chasing a dream that everyone in my life told me was impossible. Over the years I have read this poem often, and to this day it has never lost its significance in my life. Today I am mindful however that the entire message is not just about "never giving up or giving in" ON EVERYTHING, but only that which supports my purpose or vision for myself! I hope you enjoy and give the gift of this poem to someone you love!

The poem was written by Edgar A. Guest, around 1930 (date varies depending upon your source). Mr. Guest originally got his start as a journalist in the 1890s with the Detroit Free Press. His first poem found its way to print with the Free Press in 1898 and he continued writing until his demise in 1959. The poem is entitled "It Couldn't Be Done":

“Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,

But he with a chuckle replied

That ‘maybe it couldn’t, but he would be one

Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.’

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin on his face.

If he worried he hid it.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: ‘Oh, you’ll never do that;

At least no one ever has done it;’

But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,

And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,

Without any doubting or quiddit,

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,

There are thousands to point out to you one by one,

The danger that awaits to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,

Just take off your coat and go to it;

Just start to sing as you tackle the thing

That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.” Edgar A. Guest

I hope that you choose to make it a great week!! Please feel free to send me your comments, or let me know how I can be of service to you! Jim Peys

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Whatever The Mind Can Conceive MOJO - June 22, 2009

Another Monday and another MOJO! As we wind into summer and we are at the half way point (give or take) of the year, I thought this story may cause us to pause and think what is it that we are creating in our lives, today, in this moment. Consequently, I share this story:

Napoleon Hill once said, "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Another way to say “you get what you expect.”

Scientists used to believe that we respond to information flowing into the brain from external sources. However, recent studies suggest other truths - that instead we respond to what the brain, on the basis of previous experience, expects to happen next. Study in point: Doctors in Texas studying the effect of arthroscopic knee surgery - assigned patients with sore, worn-out knees to one of three surgical procedures: scraping out the knee joint; washing out the joint; or doing nothing. During the "nothing" operation, doctors anesthetized the patient, made three incisions in the knee as if to insert their surgical instruments, and then pretended to operate. Two years after surgery, patients who underwent the "pretend" surgery reported the same amount of relief from pain and swelling as those who had received the actual treatments. The brain expected the "surgery" to improve the knee, and it did. Neuropsychologists studying these experiments as a part of “expectancy theory” explained that we spend our whole lives becoming conditioned. Through a lifetime’s worth of events, our brain actually learns what to expect next, regardless of whether it happens that way or not. Because our brain expects something will happen a certain way, we often achieve exactly what we anticipate.

Ah, a scientific explanation, to some degree, behind “The Secret” (one of many explanations by the way) - possibly that is why its so important for all of us to hold positive expectations in our minds. Replace the old negative expectations with more positive ones, and when we begin to believe that what we want is possible, our brain will actually take over the job of accomplishing it for us.

Recently, an industry of “New Age” philosophy has created a stir; however, these principles are simply a remix of centuries old theories. Many of today’s sages take their “core” content directly from Napoleon Hill’s articles and books written between 1928 – 1941 based upon interviews with billionaire industrialist Andrew Carnegie. Another famous Hill quip states “[y]ou can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” So what is it you believe for your own life, in this moment? Do you have a vision and personal mission statement for yourself that you truly believe in – that absolutely resonates with you at all levels of your being? If, like most of us, you want to be happy, set a goal that “commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” (Andrew Carnegie, riches man in America in the early 1900s) If not, no better time than today to start (mine is in process of being revised and updated)!

I hope this MOJO finds you well and that you make this week better than last!! Make it a great day; and as always if there is anything I can help you with or be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Successes Principles MOJO - June 15, 2009

As you know I enjoy forwarding each Monday an inspirational message thoughtfully prepared by respected individuals. Today a friend shared a book with me and in starting to read the beginning chapters I thought it would be perfect to share with you. Some would suggest that the Universe drops in our lap messages, challenges, advice, experiences and intersections with people for reasons often for purposes not yet clear; however in this instance I am very aware of the meaning of the following in my life.

So if I asked 100 people this question, most if not all would answer in the affirmative, 'do you want to create the life of your dreams?' But then the obvious questions or rationalizations would ensue, such as how does one do that, or I’m not sure what I want, or I’m afraid or what if I fail, or I don’t want to repeat the mistakes of the past, etc.

Jack Canfield in his book "The Success Principles, How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be" offers sage advice that I would like to share with you. In his book, Mr. Canfield states:

"We Must Give Up All Excuses"

Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.

“To create the life of your dreams, you have to take 100% responsibility for your life. You have to take the position that you have always had the power to make it different, to get it right, to produce the desired result. For whatever reason - ignorance, lack of awareness, fear, needing to be right, the need to feel safe - you chose not to exercise that power. Who knows why? IT DOESN'T MATTER. THE PAST IS THE PAST. All that matters now is that from this point forward you choose - that's right, it's a choice - you choose to act as if (that's all that's required - to act as if) you are 100% responsible for everything that does or doesn't happen to you.

Canfield offers a simple formula to explain the underlying premise of taking responsibility (perfect for those of you who are the ‘analytical’ archetype):

E + R = O
(Event + Response = Outcome)

“Basically every outcome we experience in life is the result of how we respond to an earlier event or events in our life. We have two basic choices:

1. Blame the event (E) for our lack of results (O). We blame all the external forces for the result – the economy, racism, gender bias, lack of support, the system, the weather, other people, etc., etc., .... However, lots of people overcome these so-called limiting factors, so it can’t be the limiting factors that limit us. It is not the external conditions and circumstances that stop us – it is us. We think limiting thoughts and engage in self-defeating behaviors. We waste time on the trivial, eat unhealthy food, fail to exercise, spend more money that we make, avoid necessary conflict, fail to tell the truth, don’t ask for what we want – and then wonder why our lives don’t work.

2. You can instead simply change your responses (R) to the events (E) - the way things are – until you get the outcomes (O) you want. You can change your thinking, change your communication, change the pictures you hold in your head (your images of yourself and the world) - and you can change your behavior – the things you do. That is all you really have any control over anyway. Unfortunately, most of us are so run by our habits that we never change our behavior. We get stuck in our conditioned responses.... Everything we think, say, and do needs to become intentional and aligned with our purpose, our values and our goals.


I hope you make it a great week!!! And as always, let me know if I can be of service to you or a family member, friend or peer.

The Tortoise MOJO - June 1, 2009

Today is Monday, June 1st and as we approach the mid point of 2009 this MOJO is particularly poignant. Many of us set goals around New Years’ each year because it seems appropriate on the eve of another year. Yet as the weeks wane those goals become further away from our consciousness. Others of us commit to goals throughout the year, but sometimes fall short with the passage of time. I find myself in the later category - and I often remind myself, especially learning from my kids (actually young adults now), about the story of the tortoise and the hare. That story is relevant when reading today's MOJO.

The tortoise had it right as far as the story tells us - slow and steady (consistency) will prevail over the long haul. But I wonder if along the journey as the tortoise toiled plodding along never stopping if it thought how to be more efficient and better along the journey? Little course corrections and constantly evaluating his journey via the infamous "feed back loop" in decision making. My guess is that the tortoise was constantly evaluating his progress becoming more efficient with every stride as it consistently moved towards the goal. Ah tis much I have to learn. The goal remains clear but my diligence to the path often strays.

As always I hope you enjoy this morning's MOJO thanks to Tom Tognoli, COO and Founder of Intero Real Estate Services.

Good Morning MOJO,

Here is a great question…Where will I be in ten years from now if I keep going the way I am going? Reflect for a moment on last week and ask yourself this question…”if I do exactly what I did last week, every week for the next 10 years where will I be personally…professionally…spiritually…in my relationships with those I love and care about the most…how will my health be…what will my bank account look like in 10 years from today?

So many people fail to realize that success at anything in life is the result of little successes achieved over a very long period of time. That is why obesity of the #1 preventable killer in the world today. People are looking for the quick fix…for a pill or a magic diet. We are not willing to make those small sacrifices and stick with it for the long haul. Truly successful people are long-term thinkers. They know that they must build upon each achievement and constantly learn new and better ways of doing things. A regular review of your progress is essential part of goal setting. A goal is a little more than a wish unless it has a timetable for completion. Make sure your plan for your life includes short, medium and long term goals. Revise your goals as things change…check them off when they are completed and set new bigger goals for yourself as you grow. And take time to reflect often to make sure you are on the right track.
"The actions you take in the first hour of your day will determine your fate for the rest of it"”